What’s Fase1?

Fase1 is a two-part program that provides universal access to entrepreneurship education to promote the incubation of ideas that can transform into successful startups. The first part is 100% virtual and has been designed so that anyone can access a series of videos covering various topics on how to turn an idea into a venture. The second phase is an incubator that offers intensive, in-person workshops for participants to mature their idea into a basic working version that allows them to meet the minimum requirements of programs such as pre18.

How do Fase1 works?

Fase1 breaks traditional entrepreneurship programs’ patterns based on dates, cohorts, and complex selection processes.

What’s the structure?

  • The first part of the program is open year-round and offers pre-recorded educational videos that participants can access at their convenience. These videos will be available on an educational platform and divided into Spanish modules ranging from the basics of entrepreneurship to market validation.
  • Upon completion of each module, participants can have an initial meeting with the Fase1 team.
  • Once a year, there will be an open call for the incubator or intensive part of the program that provides participants with a rigorous curriculum, mentoring, and other services that will help them take their idea to a basic working version that will qualify them for programs such as pre18. The schedule for this program will be hybrid and will accommodate the needs of those who participate or will be located on weekends.

Does it cost anything to participate in Fase1?

No! Fase1 is entirely free. Complete the registration form, and you will have access to the educational modules you can complete on your own time.

What’s the difference between Fase1 Lab and Fase1 Intensive?

Fase1 Lab are online modules that allow you to familiarize yourself with the basic topics at your convenience. This part of the program is open and accessible all year round.

Fase1 Intensive: our incubator includes training, service, and specialized mentoring to accompany entrepreneurs developing their minimum viable product. This phase of the program occurs only once a year, works with a maximum of 50 participants per cycle, and has an open call process.

Do I have to complete Fase1 Lab modules to apply for Fase1 Intensive?

Yes, it’s a requirement to complete the first three Fase1 Lab modules to apply to Fase1 Intensive. However, completing the Fase1 Lab modules doesn’t represent automatic entry to Intensive.

Does completing the Fase1 Lab modules guarantee me direct entry to Fase1 Intensive?

No, if you wish to participate in Fase1 Intensive once you have completed the first three Fase1 Lab modules, you must go through the application process. You must complete the application and go through the evaluation and selection process.

Is there a time limit to complete the Fase1 Lab modules?

No, although there is a requirement to complete the first three in order to apply to Fase1 Intensive.

I filled out the form and I haven’t received the link to the educational portal.

If you fill out the entry form and haven’t received an email with the details, email us at [email protected] or log in https://fase1.org/en/acceso-modulos.

If my venture consists of two people, does each person register or just one registration per venture?

Both founders must register and take the Fase1 Lab modules. Only one application is required to apply to Fase1 Intensive.

Do I need to have an idea or company to participate in Fase1?

No! It’s not a requirement to have an idea, minimum viable product or company formed to access the educational modules of Fase1 Lab. Anyone can register and enjoy the modules.

Where are the Fase1 mentors from?

The Fase1 team recruits the highest caliber experts from Puerto Rico to share their knowledge with those who wish to explore entrepreneurship. Many have been entrepreneurs or have worked with entrepreneurs for years.

Is the content of Fase1 in Spanish?

Yes! All modules are in Spanish. We are looking forward to translating them in the future.

Does Fase1 offer any subsidies?

No. Unlike other programs such as pre18 and P18, Fase1 does not offer grants.

Is Fase1 a Puerto Rico Science, Technology, and Research Trust program?

Yes! As a Puerto Rico Science, Technology, and Research Trust program, Fase1 complements the organization’s entrepreneurial pillar, including Colmena66 and parallel18, pre18, and P18 programs. Fase1 is also part of the Puerto Rico Department of Housing’s Small Business Incubator and Accelerator Program under the CDBG-DR funding program.

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